From making healthier additions to our Happy Meal®, to serving up fresh beef Quarter Pounder® burgers that are cooked when you order, we’re always finding ways to show our commitment to our customers and our food.
At McDonald’s, we take great care to ensure that what we serve every day is safe, great quality and produced in a responsible way. That means we use 100% real beef patties seasoned with just a pinch of salt and pepper. It means our Egg McMuffin® is made with a freshly cracked egg. And, in the U.S., our Filet-O-Fish® sandwich made with 100% whitefish sourced from sustainably managed fisheries. It means we use real buttermilk in our Buttermilk Crispy Chicken and our Chicken McNuggets® are made with white meat chicken. Simply put, it means real, quality ingredients and always evolving what matters to you.